Category Archives: Blogs

Who Pays For Party Wall Surveyor Cost In 2024?

image of blog who pays party wall surveyor cost or fee

In terms of real estate, the property owner has the legal right to carry out specific works. As far as the Party Wall Act 1996 is concerned, if you want to make changes or any construction work to the boundary wall you share with your neighbours; you must serve them with a written notice regarding […]

What Happens If My Neighbour Ignores The Party Wall Notice

Party Wall Surveyor West London neighbour ignores the party wall notice

Can Neighbour Refuse Party Wall Agreement A Party Wall Notice is a formal written document that is served by a property owner to their neighbouring property owner(s) before starting any construction work that could potentially affect the shared wall, boundary, or structure. The notice informs the neighbours of the proposed works and outlines the potential […]

What is a Party Wall Agreement? What you Need To Know

Party Wall Surveyor North London

If you live in a house or an apartment with a common wall involved somehow, you should know what a Party Wall Agreement is. It is a legally binding document covered by the Party Wall Act 1996 that you will require if you are planning a renovation or extension that affects an adjoining property, outbuilding, […]

What Happens When There Is No Party Wall Agreement?

no party wall agreement

HAs per the party wall act 1996, its purpose is to carry out work by providing adjoining properties while protecting your neighbour’s interests. Party wall agreement is something you should be aware of whether you want to extend or refurbish a property adjacent to another property.  The party wall agreement’s ultimate purpose is to offer […]

Serving Party Wall Notice In London


Are you planning on doing construction on your property? If yes! It’s necessary to obey the Party Wall Act 1996 and serve a party wall notice to your neighbour. As per the Act, if the owner needs to renovate his property that involves the boundary wall, then he must send a written notice to his […]

Retrospective Party Wall Agreement UK

Retrospective Party Wall Agreement

A retrospective party wall agreement is a kind of party wall award that comes up when the party wall work is in progress, partially completed, or sometimes even fully finalized. The most common reason behind the retrospective agreement is to deal with the charges and claims of potential damage.  Often, we feel the need for […]